EMMANUEL MISSION SR SEC SCHOOL, BEAWAR ONLINE CLASSES WEEK 8 ( ) CLASS VII **************************** CLASS - VII (Week 8) English I : Kind

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2 ENGLISH - I CHAPTER 1- An Uncomfortable Bed Page4. Answer these Questions. (Answer Key) Ans1. (a) - In the second stanza the speaker valued his friends to the people he does not care about. Ans1. (b) - They gave me a grand reception, they cheered loudly, embraced me and made much of me as if they expected to have great fun. These lines support our answer. ************** Ans2. (a) I was watchful, restless. I did not miss a single word or a gesture I even looked distrustfully at the faces of the guests. I entered my room and remained standing holding the candle in my hand and lighted all the candles moved carefully examining the room. I inspected every article. These words in the text tell us how the speaker was feeling and acting. Ans2 (b) Doubtful or Distrustful are the words which describes the author state of mind. *************** Ans3. (a) The speaker calls himself a ferret because just as a ferret find something by searching carefully in the same way the author wants to find out and catch his friends what they were planning against him. Ans3. (b) The author knew that his friends were fond of practical jokes and so he thought that his friends had a planned a joke against him and he was a target of the joke. ************** Ans4. When the author entered his room, he shut the door and remained standing without moving a single step holding the candle in his hand. He looked the walls, the furniture, the ceiling the hangings and the floor. He lighted all the candles that were in the room then he examined the room carefully and inspected every article. He checked the windows, shutters and drew curtains in order to find whether his friends have planned a joke for him and he was the victim of the joke *************** Ans5. The speaker closed the shutters and drew the curtains so as to have nothing to fear from outside. As a result he placed a chair in front of them and sat down cautiously. To ensure his safety he brought his mattress down along with its sheet and rest of the bed and dragged all these objects in the middle of the room facing the door and then he went to sleep in the middle of the room. *************** Ans6. This discovery was important to the speaker because it meant that his friends had not laid a trap for him in the chair. **************** Ans7. The speaker did not dare to go to the bed because he was sure that his friends were spying on him waiting for the success of their plan and then they will laugh on his terror and so the author did not want his friends to make fun of him. Then the author thought it was being foolish if he will sit on the chair the whole night so he made up his mind to go to bed because he could not let his friends have so much fun at his expense. ******************

3 Ans8. The speaker was awakened by a body falling over him. He also felt a burning liquid on his face, his neck and chest and he also heard a dreadful noise as if a sideboard laden with plates and dishes had fallen down on him. When the author rushed into the corridor the noise brought his friends hurrying to the spot and as he looked into the room with his friends he realised what had really happened. ******************************** GRAMMAR EXERCISES:- Page 6.EXERCISE -(B) Complete these sentences with suitable indefinite pronouns:- Answers:- (1.) Something (2.) anyone (3) another (4) few (5) most (6) no one (7) each Page 7. EXERCISE - (A) complete these sentences with the correct prefixed words :- Answers :- (1) Uncomfortable (2) dishonest (3) impractical (4) distrustful (5) impolite (6) unexpected EXERCISE (B) Answers :- (1) The film did not receive good reviews. All the same I went to watch it. (2) Alia did not seem to mind when her cousins were laughing at her expense. (3) He cast a glance, at his notes then he entered the examination hall. (4)When Rohan won the quiz competition his classmates made much of him. (5) After a lot of thought I made up my mind, to go to Himachal and not Kerala. (6) I think my family has in store for, a surprise for my birthday party. ****************** (8)several

4 HINDI Questions And Answers प ठ 1 : चत र खरग श ल खखत 2. इन प रश न क उत तर ल ख कर द ज ए (क) उत तर - वन म अक ल पड न पर नद य, सर वर स ख गए,व क ष और लत ए भ स ख गई प न और भ जन क अभ व म पश - पक ष वन छ ड कर भ गन लग (ख) उत तर- खरग श न अपन रक ष क उप य स चन क ललए सभ ब ल ई खरग श क सर र न ह थ य क अत य च र क वर णन करत ह ए कह, कक क य हम म स क ई ऐस ह, ज अपन ज न पर ख लकर ह थ य क अत य च र ब कर सक? (ग) उत तर- खरग श क च ल क न बलव न गजर ज क ध ख म ड ल द य और अपन ब द थधम न क बल स अपन स थ य क बच य (घ) उत तर- खरग श न कह, म च द रम क ध ह च द रम त मस न र ज ह त मन झ ल क प न क अपववत र कर द य ह त मन खरग श क ज न ल कर प प ककय ह गजर ज न खरग श क ब त क सच म न ललय और उसन डर कर कह, कक क य ऐस क ई उप य ह, जजसस च द रम म झस प रसन न ह सकत ह? खरग श ब ल ह, ह त म ह प र यजचचत करन ह ग त म कल सव र ह अपन झ ड क ह थ य क यह स ल कर र चल ज ओ च द रम त म पर प रसन न ह ज ए ग गजर ज प र यजचचत करन क ललए त य र ह गय और वह सर द न ह थ य क झ ड सदहत वह स चल गय (ङ) उत तर- इस कह न स हम स ख लमलत ह कक हम ब द थधम न स बड स बड म जचकल क स मन आस न स कर सकत ह ************** प ठ 2 : ककसक नमन कर म भ रत ल खखत 2. इन प रश न क उत तर ल ख कर द ज ए उत तर(क)- ल खक न भ रत श क स प र ण ववचव क सम म न कहकर इस नमन करन क ब त क ह उत तर(ख)- ल खक क अन स र भ रत श रहस य क ज ञ त और स प र ण ववचव क सम म न ह और इस श क एकत क ट कड नह ककए ज सकत ह उत तर(ग) भ रत श क आक र त रत रभ ज क र ह यह श व क ज ञ त और गहर रहस य क ज ञ न ह भ रत श स प र ण ववचव क सम म न ह इस श क ट कड नह ककए ज सकत ह यह स प र ण ववचव क स यण ह अ णत भ रत भ म डल क सम म न ह भ रत द व प क लमल न क क यण करत ह भ रत श श तत क घ ष ह उत तर(घ)- ववववधत म एकत क अ ण ह, अन कत म एकत इस अवध रर क स त रबत करन व ल भ रत एक श र ष ठ श ह क य कक यह अपन धमण क ललए एक सर क भ वन ओ और भर स क त रबन आहत ककए कई धम, नस ल स स क ततय और पर पर ओ क ल ग एक स रहत ह और यह क ल ग स स क तत, पर पर,धमण और भ ष क अलग ह न क ब वज भ एक सर क सम म न करत ह, और स ह प र म स अपन ज वन व यत त करत ह

5 A. Multiple Choice Question : SCIENCE CLASS VII Chapter 4 : Heat 1. (a), 2.(c), 3.(d), 4.(c), 5.(a), 6.(a), 7.(a), 8.(c), 9(a) B. Fill in the blanks : 1. Convection 6. Air 2.. Plastic 7. Dark, light 3. Solid or vaccum 8. Thermometer 4. Less 9. Temperature 5. Conduction 10. Clinical C. Name the following : D. 1. Radiation 6. Convection 2. Temperature 7. Poor conductor 3. Mercury 8. Heat F 9. Cool 5. Anders celsius 10. winter State True ( T) or False (F). 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T E. Match the following. 1. (d), 2. (c), 3. (b), 4. (a), 5. (h), 6. (g), 7. (e), 8. (f) F. Find the odd one out. 1. Water 2. Expansion 3. Iron 4. Asbestos G. Give reason : 1. You are advised to use an umbrella when you go out in the sun. Ans : This is because using an umbrella reduces the risk of direct skin contact to sunlight and protect from harmful radiations 2. The clinical thermometer is dipped in an antiseptic solution before use. Ans : This is because to kill the infection causing bacteria present on it. 3. The thermometer is kept under the tongue. Ans : It is kept under tongue so that reading which it gives is true. The intense heat of our body is present under our tongue so that we can measure our whole body temperature.

6 H. Very short answer type question : 1. What do you mean by convection of heat? Ans:- A mode of transfer of heat in a fluid, in which the particles of the fluid themselves move from one region of the fluid to the other, carrying the heat energy. 2. What are conventional currents? Ans:- It is a process involves the movement of heat energy from one place to another eg. Sea breeze and land breeze. 3. What is temperature? Ans:- The quantity by which we can compare the hotness or coldness of bodies is called temperature. 4. What are insulators of heat? Ans:- A material, which does not allow the heat to flow through it 5. What are the common scales in which temperatures are usually measured? Ans : The common scales in which temperatures are usually measured are Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit. I. Short answer type question : 1. Why do we use mercury as a fluid in thermometer and not water? Ans: a. Mercury remain in the liquid state in room temperature. b. It expand and contact uniformly with a rise and fall in temperature and it has a uniform expansion rate. c. It has a low specific heat capacity. 2. Why do we wear woollen clothes in winter? Ans: During winter,we wear woollen clothes.wool is a poor conductor of heat. Wool traps a lot of air in between its fibres. Air is a bad conductor of heat, so it does not allow the body to lose heat during winter. 3. What kind of clothes will keep us comfortable in summer? Ans: In summer we prefer light coloured clothes because it radiates less heat and absorbs less heat. 4. What are the three modes of transfer of heat? Ans : The three modes of transfer of heat are 1.Conduction :- A mode of heat transfer in a solid, in which heat energy is transferred from one particle to other. 2. Convection :- A mode of transfer of heat in a fluid, in which the particles of the fluid themselves move from one region of the fluid to the other, carrying the heat energy. 3. Radiation :- The mode of heat transfer that does not need a medium. 5. How are trade winds caused? Ans: They are caused by the strong warming and evaporation with in the atmosphere around the equator. Around the equator the warm air rises rapidly carrying a lot of moisture. The air Starts to sink around the tropics & finally reaches the ground. 6. What are good conductors of heat? Give two example. Ans : A body that allows the heat to flow through it. Two examples are iron and copper.

7 SOCIAL STUDIES (Geography) Chapter - 1 " Our Environment : Natural and Human" IV. Answer these questions: Q1. Why do we study natural environment? What is its importance? Ans. The natural environment consists of biotic and abiotic both types of these natural resources are quite necessary for the existence and development of human beings. So we can study natural environment. Importance:- (i) We study national environment because all humans are influenced by the physical or natural environment. (ii) Not only human beings but also plants and animals are influenced by the environment. Q2. What is atmosphere? Why is it important for us? Ans. The thin layer of air which envelopes our earth is called atmosphere. Importance: (i) The atmosphere act like a blanket or glass house for the earth. (ii) It keep the earth warm even during night. (iii) In the absence of atmosphere there will be much differences between day and night temperature. (iv) The sun's rays create circulation in the atmosphere which leads to winds and rain. Q3. Why should we protect our environment? Ans. We should protect our environment by following reasons: (i) Environment is necessary to support us. (ii) It provides us with various necessities of life such as air to breath water to drink etc. (iii) it provides us different natural resources like plants wood etc. (iv) All our industrial activities depend upon different raw materials provided by the natural resources. Q4. In which ways do the humans influence the environment? Ans. The humans influence the environment by following ways: (i) If they go on cutting the jungles and trees mindlessly, they would soon causes the depletion of oxygen in the atmosphere (ii) If we go on using our mineral wealth indiscriminately, soon we would be deprived of this great gift of nation Q5. Why is the Earth considered a unique planet? Ans. The earth considered a unique planet because: (i) The distance of the earth from the sun results in a climate which is best suited for the development of life on the earth. (ii) Its atmosphere is rich in oxygen that makes life possible on this planet. (iii) Its atmosphere acts as a large cover to protect its surface from extreme cold and heat. (iv) On this planet earth water in Vast quantities which makes life possible on the earth. (v) due to various causes like different climate different soils and environment life has continued to evolve and diversify continuously. Q6. Explain how our environment influences by giving examples. Ans. Environment influences us by following ways: (i) In desert areas due to harsh climate area are sparsely populated they eat Bajra. (ii) in the other hand people would like to live on fertile and climate pleasant and means of transport and Communications are abundant. V. Answer briefly: Q1. What do you mean by environment? Ans. Surroundings of and organisms a community or an object is called environment. Q2. Name the major spheres of environment. Ans. (i) Atmosphere, (ii) Lithosphere,(iii) Hydrosphere, (iv) Biosphere. Q3. Describe the coposition of atmosphere. Ans. Nitrogen( 78%), Oxygen (21%),Argan.0.9 and Carbon dioxide( 0. 33%) and water vapour the smoke, pollen grains, salt and microorganisms etc. Are the composition of atmosphere.

8 Q4. What is biosphere? Ans. A very narrow sphere of the earth which sustains life is called biosphere. Q5. What do you mean by ecological balance? Ans. A proper interaction or balance between the natural environment and the human environment is called ecological balance. VII. Distinguish between: 1. Natural environment and Human environment Ans. Natural environment:- All gifts of nature such as Land, water, air,plants and animal form a part of the natural environment. Human environment:- Human beings and their social,religious, economic and cultural activities form a part of the human environment. 2. Sial and Sima Ans. Sial is the outer layer of the earth crust it is composed of rock rich in silica and Aluminium, so it is called Dial. Sima is the layer of the earth's crust below Sial. It is composed of layer having material rich in silica and magnesium, so it is called Sima. VII. Give reason: 1. Desert areas are sparsely populated. Ans. Because of harsh climate. 2. The biosphere, Hydrosphere, lithosphere are important for us. Ans. Because these all spheres are important for our life development. 3. You should be very careful in using our natural resources. Ans. Because these natural resources are limited they cannot be recreate in short period of time.

9 SANSKRIT त त य प ठ - ड़ क र (मध यम प र ष ) अभ य स 1. प रदत त भ य व कल प भ य उचचतम उत तर चचत ररक तस थ न नन प रयत- ( ) (ख) ( ) (ख) ( ) (ग) ( v) (ग) (V) (ख) 2. एकपद न उत तरत- प रश न उत तर ( ) लभक ष क ( ) लभक ष क य ( ) जजर णतन (iv) प रस क रम (V) थचत रकल प रततय थगत 3. उद हरण न स र क य पद नन ड़ क र परर ततयत- ( ) अभ रम ( ) अख तम ( ) अनय (iv) अपचयत (V) अध वतम 4. मञ ष य उचचत क य पद चचत ररक तस थ न नन प रयत- ( ). अजजघ र ( ) य व ( ) अववन त (iv) त व (V) अस मरत 5. अध ल खखतक य पद न पद पररचय द यत म - पद ध त क र प र ष चन ( ). वद लड़ लक र प र म प र ष एकवचन ( ) स म लड़ लक र मध यम प र ष द वववचन ( ) क लड़ लक र मध यम प र ष द वववचन (iv) यच छ लड़ लक र मध यम प र ष एकवचन (v) क लड़ लक र प र म प र ष एकवचन 6. अध ल खखत न क य न स स क तभ ष य अन द क र त ( ) य व ग त अग यत ( ) त व उद य न अक र ड ( ) य य कववत प ठ अक र त (iv) य व र लय न न क त र अगच छत? (v) त व थचत र अरच

10 COMPUTER LESSON 4 : QBASIC LOOPING Q1. Tick the correct option: Answers: (a). For Next (b) CTRL-Break (c) Looping statements (d) Loop Q2. Fill in the blanks: (a) Looping (b) Conditional Looping and Unconditional Looping (c) Loops (d) Three (e) Inner (f) John Kemeney and Thomas Kurtz Q3. Write true or false. (a). WHILE loop is closed with WEND. TRUE (b).we can have maximum 3 loops nested within a loop. FALSE (c). Each loop within the nest must have its own For Next statement. TRUE (d).the outer loop must be within the inner loop. TRUE (e). NEXT statement is given for the increment of for loop. FALSE 4. Answer the following questions. Q1.What is looping? Describe the types of looping with examples. Ans1: When a specified group of statements to be executed certain number of times is called looping. There are two types of looping: {i) Conditional looping To repeat statement with condition is conditional looping. Example: While Wend, Do loop, For Next (ii) Unconditional looping To repeat statement without any condition is unconditional looping. Example: GOTO statements. Q2. What is the Syntax of FOR NEXT? Ans2: Syntax of FOR NEXT IS: FOR counter = start to end [step] [Statement Blocks] NEXT counter Q3. What is nesting of loops? Ans3: The FOR NEXT loop within another FOR...NEXT loop is known as Nesting of loops. Q4. Differentiate between: Ans4: (i) WHILE WEND This statements starts a loop which continues till the WHILE condition is true. FOR NEXT It is used as a counter based loop when you know exactly how many times you need to execute the loop. This loop is closed with a WEND statement. In this we use NEXT counter. (ii) Conditional looping The looping with condition. Ex: While Wend, For Next, Do...loop. Unconditional looping The looping without any condition. Ex: GOTO Statements.

11 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Current Affairs Q1. Which Indian cricketer has come under the conflict of Interest scanner? Ans1: Virat Kohli. Q2. Which state has become the first one with LPG connections in all the households? Ans2: Himachal Pradesh. Q3. Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary will soon get National Park status, It is located in which state? Ans3: Assam Q4. Which state government has launched a job portal for the recruitment of skilled, semi skilled and unskilled workers? Ans4: Maharashtra. Q5. The registration for human trials of Indian indigenous COVID -19 vaccine began from which date? Ans5: July 7 th.

12 MORAL SCIENCE Chapter 1 : Our Duties Towards God Exercises:- (a) Write one word for the following: (1) Adoration (2) God (3) Sacrifice (4) Prayer (5) Phidias (b) Explain the following lines: Ans1. God is the creator of heaven and earth and he is present everywhere. When we see the wonderful sky, the bright sun, the beautiful hills and mountains and the fields and flowers all these things show the greatness and loveliness, glory and goodness of the great creator and he loves us. Ans2. To believe in God means to firmly accept the will of God. We should trust and love God with our whole heart even in our difficult times we should trust God because he protect us from all dangers so we should believe in God because whatever he does is good for us. (c) Answer the following: Ans1. Phidias was a hardworking faithful and a god fearing man and he knew that God is watching his work and he was faithful towards his God so he was making the statue with great care. Ans2. God has created the whole world with his wisdom and power he is a holy, truthful almighty and merciful God, he forgives all our sins and loves us he is the supreme author of life and the master of all creatures. Ans3. We can believe in God by putting our trust in God and love, him praise him and worship him with our whole heart and accept the will of God and be dutiful towards God. Ans4. Moral Science teaches us the moral values. They are the principles that shows justice towards the society. It teaches you certain ways and behaviour that you should follow to keep up your relationship in the society. Ans5. Our first duty towards God is to know him, admire and praise him. Our second duty towards God is to believe and love him with our whole heart. Our third duty towards God is to adore him by prayer and sacrifice in order to express our gratitude. So we should love, worship and pray to God and keep him always close to our heart. (d) Your resolutions: tick (if you agree, cross if you disagree) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) स

क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) स क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) समय 2: ½ घ ट (TIME:2 1/2 HOURS) अध कतम अ क ( 06: M.M.

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Classification वग करण Father of classification Carl Linnaeus Hierarchy of classification Classification of Organisms जन त जगत क वग करण Biologists, such Ernst Haeckel (1894) Robert Whittaker (1959) Carl

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Fundamental Rights (Part-III) ARTICLE 21 : PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PERSONAL LIBERTY No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. Article

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HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) ---- [Chi

HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) ---- [Chi HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) [Chief Minister - Irrigation & Public Health Minister - Education

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Microsoft Word - VII-Hindi- QP

Microsoft Word - VII-Hindi- QP ATOMIC ENERGY EDUCATION SOCIETY Anushaktinagar, Mumbai Summative Assessment Examination-2 Academic year- 2014-15 Class- VII Subject Hindi Time 2 hours 30 minutes Maximum Marks 90 Instructions 1. Marks

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ICSE - X HINDI Board Paper I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

ICSE - X HINDI Board Paper I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to

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Restitution Program: Information for Victims Brochure - Hindi

Restitution Program: Information for Victims Brochure - Hindi क षत प र प र ग र म: प ड र क ल ए जर नकर र RESTITUTION PROGRAM: Information for Victims [Hindi] यद आप भ ग र न न क यर गयर क षत प र ऑर डर (Restitution Order) ल न कर प यर स कर रह ह, र सहर य र उपलब ध ह र स ट

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Restitution Program: Information for Offenders Brochure - Chinese

Restitution Program: Information for Offenders Brochure - Chinese क षत प र प र ग र म: अपरर धक र त ओ क ल ए जर नकर र RESTITUTION PROGRAM: Information for Offenders [Hindi] यद आप पर क स क षत प र ऑर डर (Restitution Order) क प स क द नदर र ह, र सहर र र उपलब ध ह क षत प र क

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Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Appli

Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Appli Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Application Brochure ij fdyd dj vkosnu funszf kdk dks MkmuyksM

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Total 450 voucher were distributed by a salon for complimentary haircut and pedicure. number of vouchers redeemed by male were 134 more than that of female. The ratio of voucher for pedicure by males to

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation TEST The Gulf stream carries water from the east coast of The United States to the West coast of Europe. Cold Warm Freezing Fresh गल फ स ट र म स य क त र ज य अम ररक क प र व तट स य र प क पश च म तट तक प न

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MergedFile A GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED MINORITY INSTITUTION Dated: 19-07-2019 ADMISSION NOTICE The selected candidates of U.G. Part I (B.A. I, B.Sc. (Bio.) I, B.Sc. (Maths) I & B.Com. I) in First list are informed that

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त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द

त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द न प त र क स ग ल कर म आब क द श म परद श ह कर रहन क लए

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jktLFkku uxjikfydk fof/k;ka ¼fujlu vkSj iqu%izorZu½

jktLFkku uxjikfydk fof/k;ka ¼fujlu vkSj iqu%izorZu½ 2019 क व ध यक स. 5 र जस थ न स स क रस स स स स ध धनव व ध यक2 2019 ज स कक र जस थ न स व ध न स स प र:र स थ वरक ककय ज य व र जस थ न क र रस क क स न यन स, 2 011क र र क श न त ररन र ल ए व,र भ रत गणर ज, र नन तरर ष

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1/12/13 Naye netaon ke alag alag vicar, Bhagat Singh 1928 भगत स ह (1928) नय न त ओ क अलग-अलग वच र ज ल ई, 1928 क करत म छप इस ल ख म भगत स ह न स भ षच ब स

1/12/13 Naye netaon ke alag alag vicar, Bhagat Singh 1928 भगत स ह (1928) नय न त ओ क अलग-अलग वच र ज ल ई, 1928 क करत म छप इस ल ख म भगत स ह न स भ षच ब स भगत स ह (1928) नय न त ओ क अलग-अलग वच र ज ल ई, 1928 क करत म छप इस ल ख म भगत स ह न स भ षच ब स और जव हरल ल न ह क वच र क त लन क ह असहय ग आ द लन क असफलत क ब द जनत म बह त नर श और म य स फ ल ह द -म लम झगड़ न बच

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1 थस सल न कय १:१ 1 1 थस सल न कय १:८ 1 Thessalonians 1 थस सल न कय श भक मन ए १ प ल स और सलव न स और त म थय स क ओर स थस सल न कय क कल सय क न म ज पत परम श व

1 थस सल न कय १:१ 1 1 थस सल न कय १:८ 1 Thessalonians 1 थस सल न कय श भक मन ए १ प ल स और सलव न स और त म थय स क ओर स थस सल न कय क कल सय क न म ज पत परम श व 1 थस सल न कय १:१ 1 1 थस सल न कय १:८ 1 Thessalonians 1 थस सल न कय श भक मन ए १ प ल स और सलव न स और त म थय स क ओर स थस सल न कय क कल सय क न म ज पत परम श वर और प रभ य श मस ह म ह अन ग रह और श न त त म ह मलत रह

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Afzal Husain Tally ERP 9 Complete Course TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई ह

Afzal Husain Tally ERP 9 Complete Course TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई ह TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई हर INFORMATION क आपक ध य न स पढन ह य NOTES आपक BASIC COURSE क समझन क जलए और HELP कर ग त श र करत

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Assistant Loco Pilot सह यक ल क प यलट How can tests help you? They will help you to show where your strengths lie. They have been chosen because the sk

Assistant Loco Pilot सह यक ल क प यलट How can tests help you? They will help you to show where your strengths lie. They have been chosen because the sk ssistant Loco Pilot सह यक ल क प यलट How can tests help you? They will help you to show where your strengths lie. They have been chosen because the skills they involve are used in the job. The tests are

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Python एक शुरुआत सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित कक्षा -11

Python एक शुरुआत सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित कक्षा -11 Data Structures-I Linear Lists स ब एसई प ठ यक रम पर आध ररत कक ष -12 द व र : स ज व भद र य स न तक त त श क षक (स गणक शवज ञ न ) क ० शव० ब ब क (लखनऊ स भ ग) Data Structure एक data structure व व न न data types

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To No.M-11014/2(45)/ /MSS(IM) Government of India Ministry of Textiles Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Block No.7, R.K.Puram Ne

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Microsoft Word - AIIS Intermediate Hindi.docx

Microsoft Word - AIIS Intermediate Hindi.docx AIIS Intermediate Hindi Program Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, writing, Grammar, Vocabulary National Standards: Communication, Communities, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections 1 I, The Hindi Program

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PowerPoint Presentation

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Microsoft Word gi

Microsoft Word gi jftlvªh laö Mhö,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (ii) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 5005] ubz fnyyh]

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HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) ---- [Ch

HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) ---- [Ch HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) [Chief Minister - Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Minister

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BALLIA SANDESH ई-पत र क To Volume-24 E-Newsletter December

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education 0549 Hindi as a Second Language March 2018 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers ह

Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education 0549 Hindi as a Second Language March 2018 Principal Examiner Report for Teachers ह ह न द द दर द ष द र द प द म र 0549/01 ढ न द औ द ह खन स म न य सम क ष अभ य स 1, 3, और 5 म प रम ख र प स पढ न क क शलत क प रध नत अप क ष त ह त ह और वततन क अश ह य क अनद ख ककय ज त ह बशत कक व स व द म क ई ब ध न पह

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(????? Π???- ???????????, ?- ????, ?- ????, ?- ??????)

(????? Œ ???- ???????????, ?- ????, ?- ????, ?- ??????) CultureTalk India Video Transcripts: http://langmedia.fivecolleges.edu Women at Home Hindi transcript: (प - कत, व- व ण, ग- ग त, म- मन ष ) - अपक इ ड शन द जए व- म र न म व ण ग ए क ह म मज प र, य.प. म रहत ह

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Grassland Hot Wind and Cold Wind Grasslands occur naturally on all continents except Antarctica. Tropical grasslands are closest to the equator and remain hot all over the year. Temperate grasslands are

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Crop Seasons in India The major crops in India can be divided into four categories viz. Food grains (Rice, Wheat, Maize, Millets and Pulses), Cash Crops (Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tobacco, and Oilseeds),

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ओब ह 1 1 ओब ह 5 ओब ह एद म द ण डत ह ग 1 यह ओब ह क दश न ह म र स व म यह व एद म क ब र म यह कहत ह : हमन यह व परम र स एक सन द श प र कय ह र ष ट र क एक द त भ

ओब ह 1 1 ओब ह 5 ओब ह एद म द ण डत ह ग 1 यह ओब ह क दश न ह म र स व म यह व एद म क ब र म यह कहत ह : हमन यह व परम र स एक सन द श प र कय ह र ष ट र क एक द त भ ओब ह 1 1 ओब ह 5 ओब ह एद म द ण डत ह ग 1 यह ओब ह क दश न ह म र स व म यह व एद म क ब र म यह कहत ह : हमन यह व परम र स एक सन द श प र कय ह र ष ट र क एक द त भ ज गय ह उसन कह, हम एद म क व लड़न चल यह व एद म स कहत ह

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Microsoft Word - 229gi

Microsoft Word - 229gi jftlvªh laö Mhö,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (i) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 33] ubz fnyyh] 'kqøokj]

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Important Passes of India Jammu and Kashmir 1. Zoji La; located on National Highway 1 between Srinagar and Leh. It separates Kashmir Valley to its west from Dras Valley to its northeast. 2. Khardungla

अधिक जानकारी

Q1. There 3 kinds of books in the library fiction, non-fiction and biology. Ratio of fiction to non-fiction is 3 to 2; ratio of non-fiction to biology

Q1. There 3 kinds of books in the library fiction, non-fiction and biology. Ratio of fiction to non-fiction is 3 to 2; ratio of non-fiction to biology DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY IN INDIA Introduction The Directive Principles of State Policy, embodied in Part IV of the constitution, are directions given to the central and state governments to

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Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is st

Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is st Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is strictly for those applicants whose names appear in the

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र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल (म.प र.)

र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल (म.प र.) र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल-462016 (म.प र.) द रभ ष 2493385/3736/3667 व बस ईट:www.nift.ac.in/bhopal

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ASSEMBLY MANUAL अन द श ग इड ASSEMBLY MANUAL अन द श ग इड Scan QR code for assembly instructions and operation videos अन द श व डय द खन क लए QR क ड क न कर 1800-2-66-55-66 SKUtro Toll Free Helpline ट ल हक स व Congratulations! You are

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50 Important Questions of Periodic Table [1 ]

50 Important Questions of Periodic Table [1 ] 50 Important Questions of Periodic Table 12.04.2019 [1 ] 1) Mendeleev initially selected two elements to study the properties of the other elements named, as म डल व श र म न ममत अन य तत व क ग ण क अध ययन

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