SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS IX SUBJECT - ENGLISH CHAPTER- The Happy Prince NOTE: Attempt Q1,2 &3 on your own. All questions are to be done in

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1 SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS IX SUBJECT - ENGLISH CHAPTER- The Happy Prince NOTE: Attempt Q1,2 &3 on your own. All questions are to be done in the English register. SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Q1. What made the Happy Prince cry? Q2. To whom did the prince send his ruby and why? Q3. How did the prince and the swallow enable the playwright to finish his work? Q4. What was the boy s mother doing when the swallow flew into the room? Why did the boy feel cool? Ans. The boy s mother had fallen asleep. The boy felt cool as the swallow fanned the boy with his wings Q5. Describe the sufferings of the poor people in the city. How did the Happy Prince help them? Ans. The poor people in the city lived a miserable life. There was a poor seamstress. She had nothing to give her son who was sick. So the Happy Prince sent a ruby for her. There was a playwright who had no wood to keep himself warm. The prince sent him a sapphire. There was a match-girl who had no shoes or stockings. Her matches had fallen in the gutter. She was crying. The prince sent her his second sapphire. There were hungry and homeless children. The prince sent them all the gold leaves he had on his dress and helped the poor people of his city. Q6. Why did the swallow not leave the Prince and go to Egypt? Ans. The Happy Prince had become totally blind. The swallow was impressed with his charity and kindness. He had sacrificed everything for a good cause of helping the poor in their needs. The swallow loved the prince and could not leave him in that state. He decided not to go to Egypt. He remained there till his last breath.

2 Q7. What did the swallow see when it was flying over the city? Ans. The swallow saw all categories of people. He found the rich making merry in their beautiful houses and beggars begging, sitting at the gates. He also saw a group of wandering children. LONG ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS Q1.The swallow was to go away to Egypt. Why did he decide to stay on with the Happy Prince? What does this act of his show about his character? Ans: The swallow happened to stop by at the city where the statue of the Happy Prince was placed. It was the sheer chance that he took shelter between the feet of the statue for just one night on way to Egypt, but stayed back till his last breath because he was moved by the Prince s selfless love, kindness and spirit of self-sacrifice. This act of the swallow shows the qualities of compassion, understanding and helpfulness in his character. He helped the Prince by becoming his messenger and carrying the jewels from the statue to the seamstress, the playwright and the match girl. He became a constant companion to the Prince after both the sapphires had been plucked out from his eye sockets. The swallow loved the Prince unconditionally and became his eyes by flying over the city and reporting the hardships and miseries of the people.. Thus, the good values of the swallow helped him to remain a loving companion to the Prince till cold and hunger snatched away his life. Q2. What is the MESSAGE of the story The Happy Prince? Ans2. This story gives many important messages. The first message is that we must spread happiness around us if we wish to be happy. It is useless to mount statues with gold and jewels when the people are hungry. The Prince could be happy only as long as sorrow was not allowed to enter his palace. The next message is that the disparity and sorrow in society can be overcome by compassion, generosity and sharing. The generous prince and the gentle swallow sacrificed themselves to bring happiness to the poor and the needy. However, their deaths did not end their lives. The redemptive power of love made them live forever as the precious and chosen ones of God.

3 CLASS IX SUBJECT - HINDI प ठ म र स ग क औरत ल ख क - म द ल गगग 25 अक ट फय 1938 क ऩश च भ फ ग र क क रक त भ जन भ म द ल गगग हह द क सफस र कप र म र ख क ओ भ स एक ह उऩन म स, कह न स ग रह, न टक तथ ननफ ध स ग रह सफ मभर कय उन ह न रगबग 30 ककत फ मर ह उनक उऩन म स औय कह ननम क अन क ब ष ओ भ अन व द ह आ ह श जनभ जभमन, क तथ ज ऩ न ब श मभर ह चन-1 र ख क न अऩन न न क कब द ब नह कपय ब उनक व मश क तत व स व क म ब प रवत थ? उत तय 1 र ख क क न न क भ त म उनक भ क श द स ऩहर ह गई थ ऩयन त उनक भ क द व य उन ह न न न क प रवषम भ फह त क छ स न य थ फ शक उनक न न मशक ष त स त र नह थ, न ह कब ऩद म व घय स फ हय ह गई थ ऩयन त व एक स त वत र व मश क तत व क स त व मभन थ उनक भन भ आज द क रड ई कयन व र क मरए प रवश ष आदय थ मह क यण थ कक अऩन अ त सभम स ऩहर अऩन ऩनत क मभर स उन ह न ननव दन ककम थ कक उनक ऩ र क प रवव ह उनक ऩनत क ऩस द स न ह, क म कक वह स त वम अ ग र ज क सभथमक थ, फश कक उनक मभर कयव ए वह अऩन ह तयह आज द क द व न ढ ढ व द श क आज द क मरए ब ज न न य त ऩयन त कब घय स फ हय उन ह न कदभ नह य थ चन -2 र ख क क न न क आज द क आ द रन भ ककस क य क ब ग द य यह? उत तय -2 वह त म र ऩ भ बर ह आज द क रड ई भ ब ग नह र ऩ ई ह ऩयन त अ त म र ऩ भ सद व इस रड ई भ सश मभमरत यह औय इसक भ ख म उद यहण मह थ कक उन ह न अऩन ऩ र क श द क श जमभ द य अऩन ऩनत क स त वत रत स न न मभर क द थ वह अऩन द भ द एक आज द क मसऩ ह हत थ न कक अ ग र ज क ट क य कयन व र क चन -3 र ख क क भ ऩय ऩय क ननव मह न कयत ह ए ब सफक हदर ऩय य ज कयत थ इस कथन क आर क भ (क) र ख क क भ क प रवश षत ए मरख ए ( ) र ख क क द द क घय क भ ह र क शब द-च र अ ककत क श जए

4 उत तय -3 र ख क क भ फ रयस त टय क फ ट थ व अऩन भ क ह ब नत स त वत र व मश क तत व क स त व मभन थ उन ह न कब ब एक फह, ऩत न व भ क कतमव म क ऩ रन नह ककम थ ऩयन त कपय ब व स य घय क प म य थ उनक मरए र ख क न कह ह, कब घय क ककस अन म सदस त म क श मद ह क छ कहत स न ह क म कक (क) (1) उनक सफस फड प रवश षत थ कक व एक ईभ नद य स त र थ व कब झ ठ नह फ रत थ कपय ह ककतन कडव स ह क म न ह म उनक रयर क फड प रवश षत थ मह क यण ह कक घय क सब र ग उनक आदय कयत थ (2) व कब ककस क ग ऩन म फ त कब द सय ऩय ज हहय नह ह न द त थ श जसक क यण सब व मश क त उनक मभर थ उनक सर ह क सब समभ न कयत थ ( ) र ख क क द द क घय क भ ह र स त वत रत स ऩरयऩ णम थ व अऩन फह ओ व फ हटम ऩय त न म उर हन नह द त थ उनक घय ऩरयव य क द श टट स क प फड थ उनक एक ऩयद द ब थ उनक घय भ सफक सभ न अचधक य प त थ ककस स ब क ई सव र-जव फ नह ककम कयत थ उनक घय उस सभम क ऩरयव श स सवमद मबन न थ उस सभम भ उनक ऩयद द द व य रडक भ गन स सब ह य न थ, ऩय उनक द द क मह इच छ थ चन 4 आऩ अऩन ककऩन स मरख ए कक ऩयद द न ऩत ह क मरए ऩहर फच क र ऩ भ रडक ऩ द ह न क भन नत क म भ ग? उत तय -4 उनक द द मबन न स त वब व क स त व मभन थ र ख क क अन स य उनक द द र ग स प रवऩय त ह र कयत थ वह सद व र क स हटकय फ त कयत थ, उन ह कत य भ रन क श क नह थ ऩयन त हभ य सभझ स उनक द द रडककम स फह त प म य कयत थ श मद मह वजह यह ह कक व अऩन ऩत ह स ऩहर फच क र ऩ भ कन म हत थ ऩ कन म ह न ऩय ब कब उन ह न र ख क क भ क त न म उर हन नह हदम


6 LkaLdkj Ldwy d{kk & uoeh dk;zi«kde~ &1 fo"k; &lald`re~ ç & "k"b% ikb% & HkzkUrks cky% ¼Hkkx&1½ ç u 1 v/kksfyf[krkuka ç ukuke~ mrrjkf.k lald`rhkk"k;k fy[kr A 1 cky% dnk dzhfmrq futzxke \ mrrje~ & cky% ikb kkykxeudkys dzhfmrq futzxke A 2 ckyl; fe«kkf.k fdefkze~ Rojek.kk chkwoq% \ mrrje~ & ckyl; fe«kkf.k ikba Le`Rok fo ky;xeuk; Rojek.kk chkwoq%a 3 e/kqdj% ckydl; vkg~okua dsu dkj.ksu u veu;r~ \ mrrje~ & e/kqdj% e/kqlap;s O;Lr vklhr~ vusu l% rl; vkg~okua u veu;r~ A 4 ckyd% dhn` ka pvde~ vi ;r~ \ mrrje~ & ckyd% r`.kkuknnkuka pvda vi ;r~ A ç u 2 v/kksfyf[krkuka inkuka i;kz;ina fy[kr A 1 futzxke%& fu"dzkur% 2 runzkyq% &vyl% 3 Hkw;%& iqu% ç u 3 v/kksfyf[krkuka inkuka foykseina fy[kr A 1 çfo"v%& futzxke 2 vkxeue~ &xeue~ 3 ;nk &rnk ç u 4 js[kkafdr inek/k`r; ç ufuekz.ka dq#r A 1 d pu~ HkzkUr% cky% ikb kkykxeuosyk;ka dzhfmrq futzxke A mrrje~ & d pu~ HkzkUr% cky% dnk dzhfmrq futzxke \ 2 losz fi ckydk% fo ky;xeuk; Rojek.kk chkwoq% A mrrje~ & losz fi ds fo ky;xeuk; Rojek.kk chkwoq% 3 l% iq"iks kus oztura e/kqdja n`"v~oku~a mrrje~& l% iq"iks kus oztura de~ n`"v~oku~ A 4 ckyd% pvdk; dzhmukfkz ykshka nrroku~ A mrrje~ & ckyd dles dzhmukfkz ykshka nrroku~\ ç u 5 x ka ka ifbrok,rnk/kkfjrç ukuke~ mrrjkf.k fy[kr & HkzkUr% d pu~ cky% ikb kkykxeusoyk;ka dzhfmrqa futzxke A fdurq rsu lg dsfyfhk% dkya {ksirqa rnk dks fi u o;l;s"kq miyh;eku vklhr~ A ;rlrs losz fi iwozfnuikbku~ Le`Rok fo ky;xeuk; Rojek.kk chkwoq% A runzkyqckzyks ytt;k rs"kka n`f"vifkefi ifjgjuusdkdh fdei;q kua çfoos k A

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10 CHAPTER 14 Statistics MATHEMATICS CLASS IX WORKSHEET 1 Q1. The blood groups of 30 students of Class VIII are recorded as follows: A, B, O, O, AB, O, A, O, B, A, O, B, A, O, O, A, AB, O, A, A, O, O, AB, B, A, O, B, A, B, O. Represent this data in the form of a frequency distribution table. Q 2. The distance (in km) of 40 engineers from their residence to their place of work were found as follows: Construct a grouped frequency distribution table with class size 5 for the data given above taking the first interval as 0-5 (5 not included). Q 3. The relative humidity (in %) of a certain city for a month of 30 days was as follows: (i) Construct a grouped frequency distribution table with classes 84-86, 86-88, etc. (ii) Which month or season do you think this data is about? (iii) What is the range of this data? Q4. The heights of 50 students, measured to the nearest centimetres, have been found to be as follows:

11 Represent the data given above by a grouped frequency distribution table, taking the class intervals as , , etc. Q 5. A study was conducted to find out the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in parts per million (ppm) of a certain city. The data obtained for 30 days is as follows: (i) Make a grouped frequency distribution table for this data with class intervals as , , and so on. (ii) For how many days, was the concentration of sulphur dioxide more than 0.11 parts per million? Q6. Three coins were tossed 30 times simultaneously. Each time the number of heads occurring was noted down as follows: Prepare a frequency distribution table for the data given above. Q7. The value of π upto 50 decimal places is given below: (i) Make a frequency distribution of the digits from 0 to 9 after the decimal point. (ii) What are the most and the least frequently occurring digits? Q8. Thirty children were asked about the number of hours they watched TV programmes in the previous week. The results were found as follows:

12 (i) Make a grouped frequency distribution table for this data, taking class width 5 and one of the class intervals as (ii) How many children watched television for 15 or more hours a week? Q9. A company manufactures car batteries of a particular type. The lives (in years) of 40 such batteries were recorded as follows: Construct a grouped frequency distribution table for this data, using class intervals of size 0.5 starting from the interval


14 CLASS IX SUBJECT - SOCIAL SCIENCE The Russian Revolution In the October Revolution of 1917, socialists took over the government in Russia. The fall of monarchy in February 1917 and the events of October were termed as the Russian Revolution. The Russian Empire in 1914 In 1914, Russia was ruled by Tsar Nicholas II and its empire. The Russian Empire included current-day Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus, stretching to the Pacific and comprised today s Central Asian states, as well as Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Majority of the population was Russian Orthodox Christianity. Economy and Society At the beginning of the twentieth century, Russian population was dominated by agriculturalists, who used to cultivate for the market as well as for their own needs. St Petersburg and Moscow were prominent industrial areas. Craftsmen undertook much of the production, but large factories existed alongside craft workshops. In the 1890 s more factories were set up after and foreign investment in industry increased. Large factories were supervised by the government to ensure minimum wages and limited hours of work. Workers were a divided social group. They were also divided by their skill. Despite divisions, workers united to stop work when they disagreed with employers about dismissals or work conditions. Peasants cultivated most of the land but the nobility, the crown and the Orthodox Church owned large properties. Nobles got power and position through their services to the Tsar. In Russia, peasants wanted the land of the nobles. Socialism in Russia Political parties in Russia were legal before In 1898, socialists founded the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party who respected Marx s ideas. Some Russian socialists felt that the Russian peasant custom of dividing land periodically made them natural socialists. Throughout the nineteenth century, socialists were active in the countryside and formed the Socialist Revolutionary Party in The party struggled for peasants rights and demanded land belonging to nobles be transferred to peasants. The party was divided over the strategy of organisation. According to Vladimir Lenin in a repressive society like Tsarist Russia, the party should be disciplined and should control the number and quality of its members. Mensheviks thought that the party should be open to all. A Turbulent Time: The 1905 Revolution Russia was an autocracy and even at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Tsar was not subject to Parliament. During the Revolution of 1905, Russia along with the Social Democrats and Socialist Revolutionaries, worked with peasants and workers to demand a constitution. For Russian workers, bad times started from the year 1904 as prices of essential goods rose and their real wages declined by 20 per cent. Workers went on strike demanding a reduction in the working day to eight hours, an increase in wages and improvement in working conditions. The procession was attacked by the police and the Cossacks when it reached the Winter Palace. The incident, known as Bloody Sunday, started a series of events which resulted in the 1905 Revolution. During the 1905 Revolution, the Tsar allowed the creation of an elected consultative Parliament or Duma. After 1905, most committees and unions worked unofficially, since they were declared illegal. The First World War and the Russian Empire In 1914, war broke out between two European alliances Germany, Austria and Turkey (the Central powers) and France, Britain and Russia (later Italy and Romania). This was the First World War. The war became popular and as it continued, the Tsar refused to consult the main parties in the Duma. Support wore thin. The First World War was different on the eastern front and on the western front. Between 1914 and 1916 Russian army lost badly in Germany and Austria. Russian army destroyed crops and buildings to prevent the enemy from being able to live off the land. The country was cut off from other suppliers of industrial goods by German control of the Baltic Sea. railway lines began to break down by For the people in the cities, bread and flour became scarce. By the winter of 1916, riots at bread shops were common. Q.1 In what ways the working population in Russia different from other countries in Europe before 1917? Q.2 Describe the history of socialist movement in Russia. Q.3 Who was Father Gapon? Enumerate the events leading to the Bloody Sunday incident and 1905 Revolution. Q.4 What was the impact of First World War on Russian Economy? Q.5 Explain the main causes of Russian Revolution.

15 CLASS IX SUBJECT - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY wby2ihayrd58mzcjr/view?usp=sharing

16 WORKSHEET-XII CLASS-IX INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET (UNIT-9) (EXPLORING CHARTS) Q1.Explain Charts. Q2. A is a round chart that is divided into zones. Q3. There are three types of columns charts in LibreOffice Calc. a. True b. False Q4. A chart sheet contains only one chart and does not display the source data. a. True b. False Q5. Which of the following charts is not available in the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet? a. Line b. Area c. Bar d. Circle Q6. Which of the following is not a chart component? a. Plot area b. X-axis c. Legend d. Text area Q7. Explain different types of charts available in Calc? Q8.

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Using a Walker - Hindi

Using a Walker - Hindi व कर क इस त म ल करन Using a Walker Walking with a walker 1. Lift the walker and place it at a comfortable distance in front of you with all four of its legs on the floor. This distance is often equal to

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11_0549_02_2017_ indd

11_0549_02_2017_ indd Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6695939798* HINDI AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0549/02 Paper 2 Listening October/November 2017 Approx. 35

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April- May Unit I : Unit II: Grammar: July- August Unit III: Unit IV: Grammar: MONTHWISE SYLLABUS ( ) SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS: III Good Morning

April- May Unit I : Unit II: Grammar: July- August Unit III: Unit IV: Grammar: MONTHWISE SYLLABUS ( ) SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS: III Good Morning April- May Unit I : Unit II: July- August Unit III: Unit IV: MONTHWISE SYLLABUS (2016-2017) SUBJECT: ENGLISH CLASS: III Good Morning (Poem) The Magic Garden Bird Talk (Poem) Nina and the Baby Sparrows

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Total 450 voucher were distributed by a salon for complimentary haircut and pedicure. number of vouchers redeemed by male were 134 more than that of female. The ratio of voucher for pedicure by males to

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03_0549_01_2017_ indd

03_0549_01_2017_ indd Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0084715162* HINDI AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 0549/01 Paper 1 Reading and Writing February/March 2017 2

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क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) स

क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) स क न द र य व द य लय स गठन, च ड गढ़ स भ ग (KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, CHANDIGARH REGION) स म ज क व ज ञ न ( SOCIAL SCIENCE) कक ष : स त ( CLASS : VII) समय 2: ½ घ ट (TIME:2 1/2 HOURS) अध कतम अ क ( 06: M.M.

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Fundamental Rights (Part-III) ARTICLE 21 : PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PERSONAL LIBERTY No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law. Article

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Microsoft Word - Recruitment

Microsoft Word - Recruitment Bihar School Examination Board बह र व लय पर स म त User Manual For Recruitment (Contract Basis) मह वप ण त थय म स य ववरण त थ 1 ऑनल इन आव दन और श क जम करन क त थ 03.01.2017 12.01.2017 Email ID:

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Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.

Sample Copy. Not For Distribution. ज़ द ग i Publishing-in-support-of, EDUCREATION PUBLISHING RZ 94, Sector - 6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 Shubham Vihar, Mangla, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh - 495001 Website: Copyright, Author

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- ???????? ??? ???? ??

- ???????? ??? ???? ?? CultureTalk India Video Transcripts: Santosh on School and Other Things Hindi transcript: - त ह र न म य ह? - स त ष - स त ष स त ष, कतन स ल क ह त म? - दस स ल क - दस स ल

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To No.M-11014/2(45)/ /MSS(IM) Government of India Ministry of Textiles Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Block No.7, R.K.Puram Ne

To No.M-11014/2(45)/ /MSS(IM) Government of India Ministry of Textiles Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Block No.7, R.K.Puram Ne To No.M-11014/2(45)/2016-17/MSS(IM) Government of India Ministry of Textiles Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Block No.7, R.K.Puram New Delhi-110066 Dated: - 30. 10. 2017 The Regional Director

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation एक पत र आओ ऱड त ह, उठ त ह फ वड औऱ ख द ड ऱत ह भ रत क जम न क जह स ननकऱ आय त म ह र हहस स क अम नत भ तक ऱ म मत उऱझ, भववष य क सपन म मत ख ज ओ, वततम न पर ध य न द, यह ख श रहन क र स त ह -- तथ गत ब ध द ब तक र भ भत

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हहन द (आध य) क 12 ( ) स ब व त उत तय स क त सभम 3 घ ट ऩ र क 80 ख ड -क प रश न स ख म ब ग उत तय स क त भ ल म वफन द ननध रयत अ क व ब जन 1 क ग ग /ग ग क भ

हहन द (आध य) क 12 ( ) स ब व त उत तय स क त सभम 3 घ ट ऩ र क 80 ख ड -क प रश न स ख म ब ग उत तय स क त भ ल म वफन द ननध रयत अ क व ब जन 1 क ग ग /ग ग क भ हहन द (आध य) क (08-9) स ब व त उत तय स क त सभम 3 घ ट ऩ र क 80 ख ड -क प रश न स ख म ब ग उत तय स क त भ ल म वफन द ननध रयत अ क व ब जन क ग ग /ग ग क भहहभ आहद (अन म उच त श षषक ब स व क य) ख ग ग क व ग स फहत द ख ग

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Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Appli

Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Appli Process of filling Application Form 1. First of all download and read carefully the Application Brochure from website. lcls igys osclkbv ij fn;s Application Brochure ij fdyd dj vkosnu funszf kdk dks MkmuyksM

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MergedFile A GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED MINORITY INSTITUTION Dated: 19-07-2019 ADMISSION NOTICE The selected candidates of U.G. Part I (B.A. I, B.Sc. (Bio.) I, B.Sc. (Maths) I & B.Com. I) in First list are informed that

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jktLFkku uxjikfydk fof/k;ka ¼fujlu vkSj iqu%izorZu½

jktLFkku uxjikfydk fof/k;ka ¼fujlu vkSj iqu%izorZu½ 2019 क व ध यक स. 5 र जस थ न स स क रस स स स स ध धनव व ध यक2 2019 ज स कक र जस थ न स व ध न स स प र:र स थ वरक ककय ज य व र जस थ न क र रस क क स न यन स, 2 011क र र क श न त ररन र ल ए व,र भ रत गणर ज, र नन तरर ष

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Mughal Empire- Babur and Humayun Mughal Babur was the founder of Mughal Empire. He was related to Timur from his father s side and Chengiz Khan to his mother s side. His original name was Zahiruddin Muhammad.

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Afzal Husain Tally ERP 9 Complete Course TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई ह

Afzal Husain Tally ERP 9 Complete Course TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई ह TALLY ERP 9 COURSE क हम श र आत कर च क ह और य पहल PART ह ज स स RELATED NOTES म आपक PDF म द रह ह NOTES म द गई हर INFORMATION क आपक ध य न स पढन ह य NOTES आपक BASIC COURSE क समझन क जलए और HELP कर ग त श र करत

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation ( Rivers of Europe ) य र प क नद य Rhine River (र इन न ) origin - Alpes Mountains (Switzerland) Outfall ( muhana ) North Sea (Netherlands) Features It produces arctic delta near Rotterdam before falling

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र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल (म.प र.)

र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल (म.प र.) र ष ट र य फ शन ट क न ल ज स स थ न, भ प ल {वस र म र लय, भ रत सरक र} ननफ ट प रभ ग, म. प र. भ ज म क त ववश वववध लय पररसर, क ल र र ड, भ प ल-462016 (म.प र.) द रभ ष 2493385/3736/3667 व बस ईट

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ह ररट ज स क ऱ जम म अर द धव र षधक (नम न प रश न ऩत र) (सत र : ) क : आठ र वषय : हहन द समय : 3 घ ट क ऱ अ क : 80 स म न य ननद श :- 1. प रश न ऩत र क

ह ररट ज स क ऱ जम म अर द धव र षधक (नम न प रश न ऩत र) (सत र : ) क : आठ र वषय : हहन द समय : 3 घ ट क ऱ अ क : 80 स म न य ननद श :- 1. प रश न ऩत र क ह ररट ज स क ऱ जम म अर द धव र षधक (नम न प रश न ऩत र) (सत र : 2017 2018) क : आठ र वषय : हहन द समय : 3 घ ट क ऱ अ क : 80 स म न य ननद श :- 1. प रश न ऩत र क च र खण ड ह क, ख, ग और घ 2. सभ खण ड क प रश न अननव यध

अधिक जानकारी

नभस त. भ य न भ ह हभ ददल र व श व द म रम क स थ ऩढ ई कय यह ह हभ आऩक, आऩक ऩरय य औय ग क फ य भ ज नन च हत ह हभ आऩक स थ एक घ ट क सभम बफत न च ह ग हभ सयक य स नह

नभस त. भ य न भ ह हभ ददल र व श व द म रम क स थ ऩढ ई कय यह ह हभ आऩक, आऩक ऩरय य औय ग क फ य भ ज नन च हत ह हभ आऩक स थ एक घ ट क सभम बफत न च ह ग हभ सयक य स नह नभस त. भ य न भ ह हभ ददल र व श व द म रम क स थ ऩढ ई कय यह ह हभ आऩक, आऩक ऩरय य औय ग क फ य भ ज नन च हत ह हभ आऩक स थ एक घ ट क सभम बफत न च ह ग हभ सयक य स नह ह. हभ इस ग औय द सय ग भ कई र ग स फ त कय यह ह हभ इस

अधिक जानकारी

ICSE - X HINDI Board Paper I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

ICSE - X HINDI Board Paper I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. I.C.S.E कक ष : X (2017) ह न द समय: 3 घ ट प र क : 80 Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to

अधिक जानकारी

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Important Facts About The Indian Constitution Constitution of India is the biggest constitution in the world. It contains 471 articles and 12 schedules and is divided into 25 sections. Dr. B.R Ambedkar

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हरयष कय ऩयस ई क उऩन म स भ च त र त न य तन Dr.Naresh Kumar, PGT Hindi Aarohi Aadarsh Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Bawla स क ष प तत : ऩयस ई ज न अऩन उऩन म स भ न य

हरयष कय ऩयस ई क उऩन म स भ च त र त न य तन Dr.Naresh Kumar, PGT Hindi Aarohi Aadarsh Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Bawla स क ष प तत : ऩयस ई ज न अऩन उऩन म स भ न य हरयष कय ऩयस ई क उऩन म स भ च त र त न य तन Dr.Naresh Kumar, PGT Hindi Aarohi Aadarsh Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Bawla स क ष प तत : ऩयस ई ज न अऩन उऩन म स भ न य ब वन क ववषद च ण ककम ह न य भन क तकय फन प रत म क ब वन

अधिक जानकारी

क न द र म व द म रम खगड़ म v)zokf"kzd ijh{kk l= & क ऩ च व षम हहन द द न म...- वगग-... अन क रम क -.. fnukad

क न द र म व द म रम खगड़ म v)zokfkzd ijh{kk l= & क ऩ च व षम हहन द द न म...- वगग-... अन क रम क -.. fnukad क न द र म व द म रम खगड़ म v)zokf"kzd ijh{kk l= & 2018-19 क ऩ च व षम हहन द द न म...- वगग-... अन क रम क -.. fnukad -------------------------------------------------------------- दक षत ए पठन 02 गद य एव पद

अधिक जानकारी

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(????? Œ ???- ???????????, ?- ????, ?- ????, ?- ??????) CultureTalk India Video Transcripts: Women at Home Hindi transcript: (प - कत, व- व ण, ग- ग त, म- मन ष ) - अपक इ ड शन द जए व- म र न म व ण ग ए क ह म मज प र, य.प. म रहत ह

अधिक जानकारी

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation What is ICC Hall Of Fame The ICC Cricket Hall of Fame "recognise the achievements of the legends of the game from cricket's long and illustrious history". It was launched by the International Cricket Council

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Crop Seasons in India The major crops in India can be divided into four categories viz. Food grains (Rice, Wheat, Maize, Millets and Pulses), Cash Crops (Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane, Tobacco, and Oilseeds),

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त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द

त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द त १:१ 1 त १:९ Ruth त एल म ल क क प रव र क म आब क ज न १ जन दन म न य य ल ग न य य करत थ * उन दन म द श म अक ल पड़, तब यह द क ब तलहम क एक प ष अपन स त र और द न प त र क स ग ल कर म आब क द श म परद श ह कर रहन क लए

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क न द र म व द म रम गण शख ड ऩ ण ७ व द म थ अधधगभ ए शश क प रब श रत भ लम कन-२०१९ (S L A T E) क : ५ गग : अ/ फ/ स क र अ क : ५० व द म थ क न भ :

क न द र म व द म रम गण शख ड ऩ ण ७ व द म थ अधधगभ ए शश क प रब श रत भ लम कन-२०१९ (S L A T E) क : ५ गग : अ/ फ/ स क र अ क : ५० व द म थ क न भ : क न द र म व द म रम गण शख ड ऩ ण ७ व द म थ अधधगभ ए शश क प रब श रत भ लम कन-२०१९ (S L A T E) क : ५ गग : अ/ फ/ स क र अ क : ५० व द म थ क न भ : -------------- अन क रभ क : --------- स चन : न च ददए ह ए प रश न क

अधिक जानकारी

HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) ---- [Ch

HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) ---- [Ch HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Fifth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 13th February, 2019/24th Magha, 1940 (Saka) [Chief Minister - Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Minister

अधिक जानकारी

SUCCESSKEY98 6th April current affairs 2019 Where will the Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo and Conclave be organized from 15 to 16 May 2019? न प

SUCCESSKEY98 6th April current affairs 2019 Where will the Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo and Conclave be organized from 15 to 16 May 2019? न प 6th April current affairs 2019 Where will the Nepal-India Franchise Investment Expo and Conclave be organized from 15 to 16 May 2019? न प ल-भ रत फ र च इज इन व स टम ट एक सप ए ड क न क ल व 15 स 16 मई 2019

अधिक जानकारी

जनवर 4, 2018 स मय क ह दय फ द क अऩन 'आर ट ड स ट र क र ' न कर स य ड स ट शन क एक कर त भक फदर व मभर ह इसभ न र च क, ऩ र गर, ग र फ गर ह ज न कर स य ड स ट शन

जनवर 4, 2018 स मय क ह दय फ द क अऩन 'आर ट ड स ट र क र ' न कर स य ड स ट शन क एक कर त भक फदर व मभर ह इसभ न र च क, ऩ र गर, ग र फ गर ह ज न कर स य ड स ट शन ह दय फ द क अऩन 'आर ट ड स ट र क र ' न कर स य ड स ट शन क एक कर त भक फदर व मभर ह इसभ न र च क, ऩ र गर, ग र फ गर ह ज न कर स य ड स ट शन ऩय ह एभएस भक थ क प रव श द व य ऩय आ ट डडस ट स क ट क फ य भ क र औय सप द य

अधिक जानकारी

PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Slave Dynasty The period from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. is known as the Delhi Sultanate period. Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Indian Banking System Banking In India Structure of banking sector in India. Co-operative bank anyonya cooperative bank in vadodura in Gujarat. Works on No profit no loss basis Monetary policy refers to

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Sample Copy. Not For Distribution.

Sample Copy. Not For Distribution. , और i Publishing-in-support-of, EDUCREATION PUBLISHING RZ 94, Sector - 6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 Shubham Vihar, Mangla, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh - 495001 Website: Copyright, Author

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Microsoft Word gi

Microsoft Word gi jftlvªh laö Mhö,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (ii) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 1314] ubz fnyyh]

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PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation Grassland Hot Wind and Cold Wind Grasslands occur naturally on all continents except Antarctica. Tropical grasslands are closest to the equator and remain hot all over the year. Temperate grasslands are

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HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) ---- [Chi

HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) ---- [Chi HIMACHAL PRADESH THIRTEENTH VIDHAN SABHA (Sixth Session) Questions For Written Answers Wednesday, 21th August, 2019/30th Shravan, 1941(Saka) [Chief Minister - Irrigation & Public Health Minister - Education

अधिक जानकारी

Question Bank Class-3 Subject- Hindi उड़ न क. प ठ क अन स र ख ऱ स थ न भर - 1. हभ नन ह -नन ह फच च ह 1. नन ह - नन ह क अथथ... ह 2. न द न क अथथ... ह 3. ऩथ क

Question Bank Class-3 Subject- Hindi उड़ न क. प ठ क अन स र ख ऱ स थ न भर - 1. हभ नन ह -नन ह फच च ह 1. नन ह - नन ह क अथथ... ह 2. न द न क अथथ... ह 3. ऩथ क Question Bank Class-3 Subject- Hindi उड़ न क. प ठ क अन स र ख ऱ स थ न भर - 1. हभ नन ह -नन ह फच च ह 1. नन ह - नन ह क अथथ... ह 2. न द न क अथथ... ह 3. ऩथ क अथथ... ह 4.प रण क अथथ... ह 5. ध न क अथथ... ह 6. न

अधिक जानकारी

स त मऱ कद स ज भर कद स न भ क एक स ठ थ उनक जन भ इर ह फ द जजर क कड न भक ग र भ भ व श ख वद ऩ चभ, स वत 1631 क क र र स न दय द स खत र कक कड क घय ह आ थ ऩ वव क

स त मऱ कद स ज भर कद स न भ क एक स ठ थ उनक जन भ इर ह फ द जजर क कड न भक ग र भ भ व श ख वद ऩ चभ, स वत 1631 क क र र स न दय द स खत र कक कड क घय ह आ थ ऩ वव क स त मऱ कद स ज भर कद स न भ क एक स ठ थ उनक जन भ इर ह फ द जजर क कड न भक ग र भ भ व श ख वद ऩ चभ, स वत 1631 क क र र स न दय द स खत र कक कड क घय ह आ थ ऩ वव क ऩ ण म स व फ ल म वस थ भ त अच छ य स त चर औय बजक त ब व

अधिक जानकारी

Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is st

Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is st Delhi School of Journalism University of Delhi Counseling Schedule for Admission to DSJ - English & Hindi (Scroll Down for Hindi) The counseling is strictly for those applicants whose names appear in the

अधिक जानकारी

र मदरश ममश र क चयन त उपन य स म ग र म ण चचत रण ननर श क. ऩट र श ध थ एभ.फपर.ग जय त व द म ऩ ठ, अहभद फ द Mo स

र मदरश ममश र क चयन त उपन य स म ग र म ण चचत रण ननर श क. ऩट र श ध थ एभ.फपर.ग जय त व द म ऩ ठ, अहभद फ द   Mo स र मदरश ममश र क चयन त उपन य स म ग र म ण चचत रण ननर श क. ऩट र श ध थ एभ.फपर.ग जय त व द म ऩ ठ, अहभद फ द Email : Mo. 9574219493 स त त रत प र प तत क फ द सभ ज भ द तगनत स ऩरय ततन आम ह

अधिक जानकारी

Microsoft Word gi

Microsoft Word gi jftlvªh laö Mhö,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (ii) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (ii) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 5005] ubz fnyyh]

अधिक जानकारी

श र च तन म चरयत भ त क ददव म अभ त क हभ सद व आस व दन कय ग औय श र च तन म भह प रब क चयणकभर भ हभ सद व यह ग मध य ल ल - अध य य ३ Bhaktivedanta Educational Se

श र च तन म चरयत भ त क ददव म अभ त क हभ सद व आस व दन कय ग औय श र च तन म भह प रब क चयणकभर भ हभ सद व यह ग मध य ल ल - अध य य ३ Bhaktivedanta Educational Se श र च तन म चरयत भ त क ददव म अभ त क हभ सद व आस व दन कय ग औय श र च तन म भह प रब क चयणकभर भ हभ सद व यह ग मध य ल ल - अध य य ३ Bhaktivedanta Educational Services (In the service of Srila Prabhupada)

अधिक जानकारी

Python एक शुरुआत सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित कक्षा -11

Python एक शुरुआत सीबीएसई पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित कक्षा -11 Data Structures-I Linear Lists स ब एसई प ठ यक रम पर आध ररत कक ष -12 द व र : स ज व भद र य स न तक त त श क षक (स गणक शवज ञ न ) क ० शव० ब ब क (लखनऊ स भ ग) Data Structure एक data structure व व न न data types

अधिक जानकारी

jftlvªh laö REGD. NO. D. L /99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (i) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls i

jftlvªh laö REGD. NO. D. L /99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (i) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls i jftlvªh laö Mhö,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 vlk/kj.k EXTRAORDINARY Hkkx II [k.m 3 mi&[k.m (i) PART II Section 3 Sub-section (i) izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la- 281] ubz fnyyh]

अधिक जानकारी

स भद र क म र च ह न क कव त म र ष ट र-भ न ड. भरत पट ऱ हहन द व भ ग व जयनगर आर ट स क ऱ ज, व जयनगर, जज. स बरक ठ ग जर त, भ रत छ म व द त तय य ष ट र म कववत -ध

स भद र क म र च ह न क कव त म र ष ट र-भ न ड. भरत पट ऱ हहन द व भ ग व जयनगर आर ट स क ऱ ज, व जयनगर, जज. स बरक ठ ग जर त, भ रत छ म व द त तय य ष ट र म कववत -ध स भद र क म र च ह न क कव त म र ष ट र-भ न हहन द व भ ग व जयनगर आर ट स क ऱ ज, व जयनगर, जज. स बरक ठ ग जर त, भ रत छ म व द त तय य ष ट र म कववत -ध य भ स बद र क भ य च ह न क न भ ववश ष उल र खन म ह म ग-च त स हहत मक

अधिक जानकारी