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Saint Paul CATHOLIC CHURCH 241 SOUTH MAIN STREET NORTH CANTON, OH 44720 WEBSITE: www.stpaulncanton.org EMAIL: info@stpaulncanton.org PHONE: 3304992201 FAX: 3304998106 April 5, 2020 Palm Sunday As of March 16, 2020, ALL PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS HERE AT ST. PAUL CHURCH including Mass, Wednesday Rosary and Stations of the Cross are suspended, AT LEAST through Easter Sunday, by order of the Bishops of the State of Ohio. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Closed to visitors. Please call us at 3304992201. ST. PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 3304940223 Principal: Amie Hale, Ext. 118 Secretary: Norma Payne, Ext. 119 Latchkey Director: Michele Kennedy, Ext. 120 Preschool: Jennifer Donnelly, 3304948793 jdonnelly@stpaulncanton.org Pastor ~ Rev. John Keehner, Ext. 103 jekeehner@yahoo.com Associate ~ Rev. Marian Babjak, Ext. 104, mbabjak@youngstowndiocese.org Pastors Emeritus Rev. Msgr. James A. Clarke & Rev. James E. McKarns Deacons William Lambert, Ron Reolfi, Peter Watry, Ed Laubacher and Dennis Ross Director of Finance and Operations Peter Olsen, Ext. 106, polsen@stpaulncanton.org Office Manager: Pamela Brady, Ext. 101, pbrady@stpaulncanton.org Secretary: Ann Benedetto, Ext. 102, abenedetto@stpaulncanton.org Director of Religious Education, RCIA & Adult Spiritual Formation Michele Blate, Ext. 108, mblate@stpaulncanton.org Coordinator of Religious Education Dustine May, Ext. 109, dmay@stpaulncanton.org Director of Youth and Young Adults Joseph Frangos, ext. 111 or 3302093084 elevateym17@gmail.com Music Minister Michael Roemer, 3308719260, mroemer@stpaulncanton.org Development Director Renee Kessler, Ext. 107,rkessler@stpaulncanton.org Prayer Chain Nick & Alice Lucilio 3304996763 www.stpaulncanton.org/christianprayerchain SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the parish office for information. Arrangements must be made at least six (6) months prior to the wedding. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The third Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m. Please call the parish office to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday morning, following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. BULLETIN NEWS DEADLINE Tuesday at noon 12 days prior.

ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH NORTH CANTON, OH PLEASE NOTE: As of March 16, 2020, ALL PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS HERE AT ST. PAUL CHURCH including Mass, Wednesday Rosary and Stations of the Cross are suspended, AT LEAST through Easter Sunday, by order of the Bishops of the State of Ohio. Stewardship of Treasure Weekly Offertory Report March 17 23, 2020 Contributions at Mass $ 0.00 Received During Week $ 3,150.00 Electronic Giving $ 12,098.65 Total Offertory $ 15,248.65 Thank you to everyone continuing to support the parish during these turbulent times. St. Paul is completely dependent upon your regular and generous giving. The parish has done a number of things to reduce expenses. Some employees have been placed on temporary furlough until parish Masses are permitted again. Refuge collection cancelled. Utilities adjusted. Now is the Time to signup for Electronic Giving EVERYONE IS ENCOURAGED TO CONSID- ER EGIVING. Log on to the parish website (www.stpaulncanton.org), select the Egiving tab and Donate to our Parish. Select Signin and choose Register for an account. Complete the required information and register your account. Log into the account and create a Reoccurring Gift to the offertory with the amount, frequency, and starting date of your choice. Remember to submit your information to finalize your choices. Your envelopes can also be dropped off at the rectory through the front door slot. Also, contributions to the parish can be arranged as a payment from your checking account through your financial institution. With everyone working together St. Paul Parish can get through this crisis. You can donate to the Good Friday Collection on the e-giving tab of the St. Paul Website A MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN KEEHNER All who are able, please take a moment each day at 4:00 p.m. to offer an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be for our parish, our nation and all who are sick. Let us pray together daily as a parish family! - 2 -

PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD APRIL 5, 2020 The origin of Lenten observances dates to the 4th century or earlier. The 6th Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday, marks the beginning of Holy Week. The Easter Triduum begins on Holy Thursday and ends on Easter Sunday. These three days represent the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. The Easter season lasts for 50 days, from Easter to Pentecost. Palm Sunday It was during the fourth century in Jerusalem that Christians first started using palm branches in commemoration of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem. Today, we continue to use palms in most churches on this Sunday, Catholic and Protestant alike. It is one of those traditions of worship that, no matter how far apart we may seem at times, we continue to share due to our common heritage. But Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday, because we hear an account of the passion of Jesus Christ during the liturgy. Most churches also share this reading in common. Many Catholic parishes use multiple lectors to proclaim the Gospel, while it is not uncommon for a similar reading or even a performance in many mainstream Protestant churches. The commonality found in the worship on this particular Sunday seems to highlight the fundamental truth in the observance: Jesus Christ died for everyone. He did not die on a cross for just Catholics, or just Orthodox, or just Protestants. Whether one acknowledges it or not, he was crucified for all those who are born of man. Today, we rejoice not just for what he has done for us but also for what he has done for all of creation. LPi THE TRIDUUM AND THE STILLNESS OF HOLY SATURDAY Holy Thursday brings us the Last Supper. On Good Friday, we exalt the cross and commemorate the death of Jesus. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate! But what about the day in between? Between death and life, the time holds its breath. For the first disciples, Holy Saturday was a day of silence, sorrow, and waiting. But redemption is already beginning! Jesus descends to the dead and frees righteous souls awaiting eternal life. On our own Holy Saturdays, we too wait in silence. But it is not the silence of disappointment and confusion. It is the silence of anticipation. Soon and very soon, dawn will alight on the horizon, and the stone will be rolled back. Until then, we wait in stillness. LPi 2020 PRAYER FOR ST PAUL PARISH FAMILY AND THOSE SUFFERING FROM ADDICTION Lord Jesus Christ, You were sent by the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. Throughout 2020, we of St Paul, pray for our Parish Family, especially those who suffer from addiction or who love an addicted person. Please bless us with your mercy and strength. We ask this in your name. Amen. If you have not yet registered to use the FORMED app, we highly recommend you sign up for it and use it now more than ever. You have a free subscription through St. Paul Catholic Church in North Canton. You can sign up on your computer or through the app in your app store. Be sure when you register that you choose St. Paul Parish in North Canton. You can also use FORMED on your ROKU once you have created your account. FORMED has beautiful movies, studies, podcasts, talks, and books for ALL AGES - it's "The Catholic Faith On Demand." On your computer go to www.formed.org - 3 - MARCH BAPTISMS Claire Leigh Cowan, daughter of Nicholas & Beth Lena Juliet Hess, daughter of Jeremy & Monica Rory Ann Webb, daughter of Brian & Olivia

ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH NORTH CANTON, OH Week 18: Body & Soul SPOTLIGHT FROM THE DIRECTOR S DESK This week we continue to look at the unique creation of humanity! If you are enjoying these little highlights of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, you may consider purchasing a set of Cardinal Schönborn s 2 volumes on Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church. If you have any questions regarding these reflections, please feel free to contact me. Michele Blate, Director of Religious Education Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Brief Commentary on the Catechism for Every Week of the Year Ignatius Press, 1995, By Christoph, Cardinal Schönborn If angels could be jealous of men, They would for one reason; Holy Communion. St. Maximillian Kobe No, we will never be angels. Yet, we are a totally unique creation! We bridge the world of both Spirit and Matter. Genesis portrays this unique union in humanity s creation. God creates Adam from matter of the earth, dust. Then, God breathes his life into Adam, filling Adam with his spirit. Our soul, the resting place of God s spirit within us, has two functions: to know and to love. We know with our intellect and we love with our will. As we mentioned before, our purpose for existence is to know and love God and through this love, serve him in this world. We have been given a soul that knows and loves and a material body with which to serve. It is so easy to devalue one aspect of ourselves to the detriment of our life and purpose. Society makes us think that we are solely material in need of things to give us peace and purpose. At the other extreme, are those saying that the flesh is bad or corrupt and only the soul has value. Neither position is correct. If we look to Jesus, we have our answer. The incarnation of Jesus Christ shows us that it is very good to be both body and soul. Our God and Savior chose to take on the form of a man. Scripture continually reminds us of this fact. St. Paul really drives this home in his first letter to the Corinthians, chapter six. Take a few moments to read this chapter and reflect on how you may need to balance out the care for your soul and your body. This is not just for the care for ourselves, but for our care and respect for each other. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you? 1Corinthians 6:1 St. Paul Church and School is adhering to all federal, state and local public health directives in the interest of protecting our staff, students and our parishioners. We want you to know that we are making every effort to continue to serve our parish and our faith community. We know that this is an uncertain time for everyone, but we are asking you to please commit to continue your financial support to St. Paul s. You may return your weekly or monthly envelope by mail (241 S. Main St., North Canton, Ohio 44720) or you may drop it in the mail slot located in the front door of the Parish Office. Or, we encourage you to sign up for EGiving (electronic giving) which allows you the flexibility and security to donate your offertory and other special collections. To create an account, click on the EGiving tab on the far right side of the banner line on the homepage and then choose Donate to Our Parish (the only option available). Click on the Sign In tab. Click on Register for an Account at the bottom of the sign in page. On this page, you will provide your contact information and create a user name and password for your EGiving account. Click Register. Your new account is now complete and ready! You can now contribute on a one-time basis or sign up for recurring donations. You DO NOT need to be a registered user to use this option. One-time gifts are accepted; however, this is a great time to become a regular Egiver! Just follow the steps through the Egiving tab. Please feel free to contact the Parish Business Office if you experience any problems or need assistance. Thank you for using the EGiving option! - 4 -

PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD APRIL 5, 2020 Fr. John Keehner s Homily From March 22, 2020 Readings: 1 Samuel 16: 1, 6-7,10-13 Psalm 23 Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41 Have you ever wondered how it would feel to have the course of your life changed unexpectedly, in an instant? Because of Jesus, a man born blind is plunged into a world of sight he has never before known. He is plunged into a world in which he has new insight, new freedom, and new responsibility. In curing him, Jesus opens not only his eyes, but also his possibilities for the future. He gives him the ability to do more than just see but also to understand where he has been and where he is going. He gives him the ability to look beyond the horizons he has always known, so that he can, for the first time in his life, determine his own future. For those of us who have never known blindness, it is difficult to appreciate the whole new world Jesus has opened for this man. It is difficult for us to appreciate just how overwhelmingly dark the darkness can be in comparison to the brightness of a world filled with light. It is difficult for us to imagine the profound change Jesus has made in this man s life, in his ability to understand the world around him. Perhaps we need to imagine what our world would be like if we, too, had been born blind, and if our sight were instantly and dramatically given to us. How would we react on seeing the world around us for the first time? How would we react to seeing for the first time not just our families but also our own hands, our own reflection in a mirror? How would we react if the only world we had ever known was suddenly taken away from us, replaced by something we had never even suspected to have existed, so that our lives had changed forever? Of course, this story is not so far removed from our experience as we may wish to believe. Isn t there a bit of blindness in each of us which prevents us from seeing our own faults, preventing us from understanding our place in the world and our relationships with others? Don t we all have a blind spot which periodically gets us into trouble when we fail to notice those things we so easily take for granted? Don t we all occasionally fail to see the truth of our relationships even our relationship with God so that we assume that there will always be the time we need to do whatever it is that we need and want to do in life there will always be another tomorrow when we can take care of something we have put off there will always be another day for us to mend a broken relationship? The season of Lent is passing quickly away. Have we taken time this season to look at our lives, that we might recognize God s presence where we have never before seen it? Have we taken time to examine our hearts, so that we might recognize that we are, in fact, blind blind to our faults and weaknesses blind to our sinfulness blind to the emptiness of the excuses we always manage to make for ourselves? Have we taken time to ask forgiveness to confess our sins that we might experience the outpouring of God s love and mercy for us? Have we taken time to open our hearts to the wonder of the mystery which pervades our world and our beings the mystery of a God who loves us so much that he would take on our flesh and blood, that he would take on our wounds, our suffering, even our death, in the wood of the cross? Have we taken time to realize that even this very day God is offering to change our lives to open our eyes and our hearts that we might see as we have never before seen, that we might know his love as we have never before felt possible? As we continue on our Lenten journey, let us reflect upon the blindness which makes us so easily complacent. Let us reflect on what life would be like if we were to open our eyes for the first time, so that we could see not as we have always done but rather with the eyes of faith with eyes which would allow us to see the presence of our loving God working in our lives and in our world. Let us reflect on what life would be like if we could understand the gift God is offering to us the ability to understand his desire to lift the burden of sin from our shoulders, to nourish us with his Body and Blood, to lead us and guide us out of the desert and into that place that we know as paradise, if only we can recognize the hand he so freely offers to us, the hand which will guide us even through the valley of the shadow of death, that we might live forever in God s presence. - 5 -

ST. PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH NORTH CANTON, OH LISTEN TODAY Living Bread Radio & Great Catholic Music Provide Many Ways to Pray During the COVID19 Pandemic We are bringing you many ways to listen or watch Mass and pray the Stations of the Cross on Living Bread Radio or Great Catholic Music. You can also watch episodes of the "Power of the Bead" to pray the Rosary. The daily readings are available on our program "Liturgy of the Word" that airs live on air and onlivingbreadradio.com. You can hear the archived version on our free mobile app, on Alexa or Google Devices or on ouryoutube Channel. St. Mary's Catholic ChurchSunday Mass at 10:30 AM E.S.T. live stream on the church's Facebook page or you can listen atlivingbreadradio.com, AM 1060, 94.5 FM, 89.5 FM, or on our free app. Daily Mass can be watched on theliving Bread RadioFacebook page fromst. Peter's Church of CantonandBasilica of Saint John the Baptist.Daily Mass can also be watched from theblessed Solanus CaseyShrine in Detroit on thegreat Catholic Music Facebook pageat 7:45 AM E.S.T. and Sunday Mass at 9 AM E.S.T. Stations of the Cross will air on Living Bread Radio at 3 PM E.S.T. and 9 PM E.S.T. or ongreatcatholicmusic.comat 6 AM E.S.T., 3 PM E.S.T. and 9 PM E.S.T. "Power of the Bread" is available at ouryoutube Channel. - 6 -

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